Bringing her 20 years of experience on the bench to bear, Judge Munro is often retained to consult on a variety of matters. Consulting clients benefit from her understanding of the courts, trial judges, and the law, both practically and strategically. Judge Munro offers a range of flexible consulting options and is eager to find the approach that best fits your needs.

Examples of the ways in which Judge Munro assists consulting clients include:
- Evaluating case strengths and weaknesses
- Guiding decisions on strategy
- Vetting arguments for appeal through moots
- Presiding over mock trials and troubleshooting weaknesses
- Anticipating legal rulings and strategising
Judge Munro also has consulted on specific issues concerning expert testimony, including:
- Guiding expert witness selection
- Preparing expert witnesses for trial and deposition
- Preparing cross-examination of opposing experts
Judge Munro has been particularly valuable in advising on the interface of complex claims and considering the unintended consequences of strategic choices. She has consulted on matters including complex bankruptcy litigation, insurance coverage issues, and family matters, among others.